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Queen Things Online Magazine

Queen Quote:
"Confidence isn't thinking you are better than everyone else, it's realizing that you have no reason to compare yourself to anyone else."
~Maryan Hasnaa

Elizabeth Thomas

February 17, 2022

10 Reasons for My Thankfulness

If you are a subscriber or regular reader of Queen Things, you know that we have been on a bit of a hiatus since our June 2021 issue. Having been presented with a succession of life-changing challenges, we found this break to be necessary. It was the culmination of a series of events that served to become the birth of this publication, as well as a serious threat to its survival. This article is my testament to the strength of the human spirit, and the hope of a long-awaited legacy coming to be.

I first began this piece when the 2021 Thanksgiving holiday was approaching. I felt it would be apropos to share some of the reasons that life has given me to be thankful. Not surprisingly, some of my reasons have changed, even since Thanksgiving. 

Of course, there are the usual givens, like my three children, who amaze me more and more from week to week, even if it isn't always pretty... or comfortable. Even more amazing, are their offspring, who bring me unspeakable joy on a daily basis. Naturally, they would be included on my list of reasons every day. Then, there is you. Thank you for subscribing to and engaging in my dream. Thanks for asking, "What happened to Queen Things?"


I chose ten reasons as part of the title of this article, for no other reason than to give myself a cap on this piece. You know I can go on for a while. Let's get on with that list, shall we?

The beginning of 2021 saw me in a constant state of anxiety. No joke, I was threatening serious health issues. My extended leave of absence from work was creating little fires all across my world, and I was feeling totally inadequate. I found myself wearing the firefighter hat far too much for my own good. Eventually, the fire began to feel all-consuming, and I began to break under the weight of it all. 

My health was deteriorating quickly, and despite having insurance, the bills were piling up. My doctor was worried, and for all my former bravado, so was I. Then, there was the life-altering identity theft that dropped my professional and personal finances to a balance of zero. 

A friend suggested that I make a list of the people and situations in my life that could not wait for me to get healthy again. I stared at a blank page for a long time before allowing myself to admit that there was nothing that could not wait. My job no longer mattered because it was the reason for my illness. Family did matter to me, but the only members of my family who showed any genuine interest in what I was going through, were my children. This brings me to number one on my list.

1. I am thankful for revelations that helped me heal. For more than forty years, I held onto the idea that one day, my family would begin to accept me for the outspoken, quirky, confident, and genuinely loving person I am. That never happened, so I realized that was a scar to which I had given way too much attention. Acceptance or not, I am healthier, mentally and spiritually, than I have been since I was nine years old.

2. Mental health awareness saw a huge upswing last year, and I was swinging right along with everyone else! The world watched young women like, Sha'Carri Richardson, Naomi Osaka, Simone Biles, and Demi Lovato deal with the masses while dealing with their own mental health stories. I understood, so I vowed to stand as well.

3. I am also thankful for inept supervisors and administrators. Without them, I might not have remembered that I have just as much to bring to the table as anyone who might be in a position to challenge me professionally. They were the catalyst for Queen Things. I also realized that there is much work to be done in the area of human resources and personnel services. 

4. In March of 2021, I walked away from my beloved profession of almost 30 years, education. I am grateful for all that I learned during those three decades because I am now more equipped than ever to reach the masses! 

5. I am thankful for the lesson of mixing family and business. I learned that even though we always say that we shouldn't, there is always an exception to every rule. The one publishing client who remained true to my company is a member of my family, DeEric Martin Sr. I am truly grateful for him and his wife, Angella. Although their faith in me faltered in the end, we saw a very difficult project through, and the result left me better for the journey.

5. Although clients were shady in 2021, I am grateful for having the experience of dealing with them. Without it, I might still be allowing my business to be run into the ground because I want so badly to help others reach their dreams. I am so much more confident in my company's ability to live out its mission, and to make a profit doing it.

6. I am grateful that Donald Trump is no longer the president of this country.

7. Social media was just an escape for me...a place to vent my frustrations to which others could relate or to encourage others. This year, I discovered the worth of social media for so much more. As cray-cray as it may be, I am thankful for the vehicle it has become for promoting a whole family of businesses.

8. Bad relationships usually lead to bad breakups. Professionally speaking, I am thankful for every bad breakup I have had this year. From banks to Livestream providers, from apartment property managers to employers, I am blessed to have learned just how bad they were for me. 

9. I'm thankful to the medical community for their superhuman dedication to helping us through the Coronavirus pandemic and for the sacrifices they have been forced to make.

10. The stark reality of the Black Lives Matter movement...there really are too many words, but in the grand scheme, I am thankful.

(I'm also thankful for the courier services that never stopped feeding us when we couldn't enjoy meals inside our regular haunts! That's a story for another day.)

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Elizabeth Thomas, MPL

Founder of Queen Things Online Zine

Thomas is also the founder and owner of Latter Rain Publishing, LLC in Dallas, Texas. 




Queen Quote:

If  you  don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. 

~Maya Angelou

What's the Buzz about Berries?

Raspberries are purported to be one of nature's super fruits. Besides being an excellent antioxidant, they also aid in heart health, digestion, detoxification, and improved eye health.  They give an added twang to lemonade, and they are a great mix with peaches, kiwi, mango, or strawberries. You want to be careful mixing bananas with raspberries if you struggle with high blood pressure, as they both are high in potassium. However you decide to serve them, it's not hard to find the right raspberry mix for you.


Some nutrients in raspberries include (100g):

Potassium 151 mg 

Vitamin C 43% of the DV 

Magnesium 5% of the DV

Protein 1.2 g 2% of DV 


Strawberries, which are good for helping to prevent stroke, heart disease, constipation, high blood pressure, and diabetes, are one of the most popular berries in the U.S. They are also a great fruit to eat during pregnancy.


Some nutrients in strawberries include (100 g):

Magnesium 3% of the DV

Fiber 2g 8% of the DV

Folic Acid

Cranberries are known to treat urinary tract infections, and they are said to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Of course, they provide antioxidants and reduce the risk of cancer. Cranberries are a popular fruit around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but in their dried state, they are delicious in salads any time of year!


Some nutrients in cranberries include (100g):

Vitamin C 22% of the DV

Dietary fiber 4.6 g 18% of the DV 

Vitamin B-6 5% of the DV

Queen Quote:
Tremendous amounts of talent are being lost to our society,
just because that talent wears a skirt. 
~Shirley Chisholm


Elizabeth Thomas

February 17, 2022

When Self-Employed Doesn't  Equal Self-Sufficient

As a result of the COVID - 19 pandemic, many businesses folded or had to perform sweeping layoffs and terminations in 2020 and 2021. The global economy has suffered in ways that my simple research cannot measure. Small businesses across the country took major losses, and many people decided to try their hands at self-employment. 

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I really think a champion is defined, not by their wins, but how they can recover when they fall.
                                                                       ~Serena Williams

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